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Forums Forums Technology Software AI enabled automated meeting assistant

  • AI enabled automated meeting assistant

     akhilahuja updated 4 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 1 Post
  • akhilahuja

    August 25, 2020 at 10:36 am

    Marsview notes(https://bit.ly/MarsviewNotes) is an automated meeting assistant for all your video meetings and online conferences. Marsview Notes automatically transcribes what’s spoken, shown, and written in a live or a pre-recorded meeting. It also collaborates with CRM, it provides an interactive editor interface where participants can add comments and highlight key points.

    Meeting hosts will have the ultimate control to finalize and publish the summary via an email or a link. This seamlessly integrates with leading video and web conferencing platforms. Marsview notes can do more than a pen and paper can do.

    Your considerations and proposals are a lot of welcomes.

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