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Forums Forums General Discussions How to make remote working/ WFH more productive

  • How to make remote working/ WFH more productive

  • Akhil Ahuja

    July 27, 2020 at 6:36 am

    Work from home used to be a fun experience but it is not the case anymore. The pandemic has affected our work culture.

    We may be social distancing but we sure miss socializing. It is impossible to virtualize the water cooler chats or screaming across the aisles for quick answers.

    While most of us by now have become pros at working-from-home, as the popular saying goes, there’s always the scope of improvement. We have compiled a comprehensive list of work-from-home apps that will take your productivity a notch higher and help you work efficiently.(https://medium.com/visio-ai/top-7-apps-to-make-your-work-from-home-successful-add7720ef3f4)

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