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Forums Forums General Discussions Productivity apps on the Zoom market palce

  • Productivity apps on the Zoom market palce

     grasefreeman updated 2 years ago 2 Members · 2 Posts
  • akhilahuja

    August 12, 2020 at 12:05 pm

    Here I would like to share a blog about ZOOM features as Zoom is booming

    We surely accept that Zoom is booming. In this pandemic situation communication between the employers and employees is happening through video conferencing apps especially zoom. Zoom has started to provide a lot of external features to make the remote efficient. Here I’d like to suggest one such productivity tool Marsviewnotes that helps to automatically capture meeting notes. I would also like to share a blog that provides various other features. https://blogs.marsview.ai/top-7-productivity-apps-on-the-zoom-app-marketplace/

  • grasefreeman

    December 26, 2022 at 2:17 pm

    If you often use zoom, you understand how hard it is to record lectures or meetings online. I can recommend a good service that works with Zoom

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